Stainless Steel Ruler


Is there anything better than a stainless steel ruler? Don’t even bother answering because the answer is a half-shouted “of course not, dummy.” Superb for withstanding knife blades, resisting staining from felt pens, and remaining resolute in shape and integrity for years, a stainless steel ruler is the only sensible choice. Using a wooden ruler (or God help you, something plastic) is like trying to refresh a room temperature soda with a four-minute stint in the freezer: not really that cool. 

Though I might say otherwise in person and in print, I can admit electronically that the six inch ruler is my favourite. It fits easily in a pencil case and acts as a versatile straight edge sidekick. Only a six-incher provides the facility required for a quick underline in a paperback, when scoring looseleaf, or measuring girths. And you will note that the hole is well-suited to spinning the ruler like a helicopter blade around a pencil or pen.

And don’t even get me started on the cork backing.